Mia Crandell: Torgoen&Miracle Flights

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Torgoen has entered an ongoing partnership with Miracle Flights, the nation’s leading medical flight charity, which provides free flights to those in need of life changing medical care not found in their local communities. 

Torgoen is now donating a portion of proceeds from every watch purchased to Miracle Flights. In our blog we are sharing inspiring personal stories of  people served by the charity. 

Mia Crandall was an ordinary Yankton South Dakota active teenager, an athlete and a performance dancer – until last Fall when she started experiencing severe stomach pains and constant fainting spells. Mia was eventually diagnosed with several  rare, complicated stomach conditions called Gastroparesis, Rumination and POTS. After multiple hospital visits, Mia’s paediatric team suggested a GI motility specialist. Soon after finding out that the GI team closest to her home would not be able to help her, her parents turned to Miracle Flights, the nation’s leading medical flight charity to help get Mia to the necessary medical care, which in her case was based in Denver, Colorado.


In mid-March, Miracle Flights in partnership with Frontier Airlines, flew Mia and her family out to Denver for an experimental treatment that can hopefully help her feel and live better. As a token of appreciation to the pilots, First Officer Karine N. and Captain Michael K., who got her to and from Denver safely, Mia presented them each with a classic Torgoen watch. And while she still has ways to go, Mia is always smiling and has a new found love and passion for aviation and the many possibilities it opens.


She was so happy to be able to gift the pilots who helped her get the care she needed.

As her medical care continues, Mia hopes to be able to resume to being a normal, active teenager and getting back to school.

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* Eligible with every watch purchase

Packed as a gift including the watch